Learn more about the Prophet birthday, its history, and the traditions practiced by Muslims. Discover the meaning of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday and how his commemoration inspires our lives.
Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Safar!
Did you know that every year Muslims around the world celebrate an important event called the Prophet birthday? Maulid Nabi is the commemoration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW, which is celebrated with great solemnity and joy by Muslims. In this article, we will explore the history of the Prophet’s birthday, the traditions that accompany it, and the meaning contained in this commemoration. Let’s learn about it together!
History of the Prophet birthday

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The history of the Prophet’s birthday dates back hundreds of years. According to historical records, the first Maulid commemoration was carried out by Sultan Salahuddin al-Ayyubi, a famous Muslim ruler, in the 12th century. The aim was to revive the spirit of struggle and love of Muslims for the Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad’s birthday is also a very meaningful moment for Muslims because it is a reminder of the birth of the Bearer of the Islamic Message who brings guidance and light to our lives.
Commemoration of the Prophet birthday

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Every 12th of Rabiul Awal in the Hijri calendar, Muslims around the world commemorate Maulid in various ways. In Indonesia, Maulid commemorations are usually carried out by holding recitations, reciting shalawat, and praying together. In addition, Maulid events are also often filled with lectures that inspire people to emulate the noble character of the Prophet Muhammad.
Not only in Indonesia, in various other countries such as Egypt, Turkey, and Morocco, Maulid commemoration is also celebrated with great fanfare. For example, in Egypt, Muslims flock to large mosques to participate in Maulid traditions that involve the recitation of poems about the Prophet Muhammad and are accompanied by serene chants of shalawat.
Maulid Traditions in Indonesia

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In Indonesia, Maulid traditions vary greatly depending on the region. In some areas such as Yogyakarta, Maulid is celebrated with a sekaten ceremony, a tradition accompanied by gamelan music and a public market. Aceh, the community organizes a large feast involving the entire village. These traditions show how Maulid is celebrated in unique and meaningful ways.

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The meaning of Maulid is very deep for Muslims. Through this commemoration, we are reminded of the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW, a figure who brought the message of Allah SWT for the salvation of mankind. Maulid is also the right time for us to reflect on his teachings and apply them in our daily lives.
Maulid as a Moment of Self-Reflection

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Prophet birthday event is not only a celebration, but also an important moment for self-reflection. On this occasion, Muslims are reminded to emulate the morals and behavior of the Prophet Muhammad in their daily lives. maulid month practices is also one way to strengthen faith and increase piety to Allah SWT. By commemorating Maulid, we are expected to take lessons from life and apply them in every step of our lives.