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Find Peace of Mind with Me Time Series with Ustadz Rizki Haas

Me Time Series is an inspirational study program hosted by Ustadz Irfan Rizki Haas, which aims to help people know themselves and get closer to Allah SWT. Find spiritual balance and mental health to achieve true peace of mind.

Hello, Safarfriendly Friend! Do you ever feel that in your busy daily life, you often lose yourself? The increasingly complex demands of life often make us forget to reflect and get to know our true selves. For this reason, comes the Me Time Series program, an inspirational study that aims to help people to get to know themselves better while getting closer to Allah SWT.

Why is Me Time Series Important?

In this fast-paced life, we often get caught up in routine and neglect our spiritual needs. Me Time Series invites us to pause, reflect, and improve our relationship with ourselves. Through this study, we can re-evaluate our life purpose and rediscover the meaning in every step we take.

Guide Ustadz Irfan Rizki Haas

Presented by Ustadz Irfan Rizki Haas, this study is not only theoretical, but also practical. Ustadz Irfan invites us to dig deeper into the importance of maintaining a balance between spiritual needs and mental health. He said that both are two sides of the same coin; without one, we cannot achieve true peace of mind.

Improving the Quality of Worship

One of the main focuses of the Me Time Series is to improve the quality of our worship to the Creator. In each session, participants are invited to understand how to live every act of worship that we do, so that it becomes more meaningful. We are taught to not only perform worship routinely, but also with full awareness and sincerity.

Reflect and Improve Yourself

Me Time Series also provides an opportunity for us to reflect. In this study, we will learn how to improve our relationship with ourselves. Facing dissatisfaction or disappointment is part of the process of getting to know ourselves. By reflecting, we can understand our emotions, internalize life experiences, and eventually let go of things that are no longer useful.

Achieving Balance

Ustadz Irfan also emphasized the importance of achieving balance in life. In this session we are invited to balance our time between worldly and spiritual activities. It is not only about the time we spend on worship, but also how we live our daily lives with full awareness of the presence of Allah SWT in our every step.

Event Details

Don’t miss this precious opportunity! Me Time Series will be held on November 16, 2024, at Tower 165, Tb Simatupang, South Jakarta. Let us explore this spiritual journey together and find peace within.

Me Time Series is the right program for those of you who want to rediscover your identity and get closer to Allah SWT. Through this inspiring study, you will be enlightened on the importance of maintaining a balance between spiritual needs and mental health. If you feel trapped in your routine and want to find peace of mind, don’t miss the opportunity to join this event!

Let’s join this study and find peace in our hearts. Welcome to Me Time Series, a place where we can share, reflect, and grow together in faith. See you in the next study session, Safarfriendly Friend!

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