Safar Friendly

Logo Safar Friendly New-01
Kuliner malam lezat

Our Muslim Friendly Rating

Rating or assessment of amenities, attractions, and accessibility in terms of the availability of facilities and services required and desired by Muslim travellers. 

Rating Scope


  • Hotel
  • Restaurant/Café
  • Spa


  • Natural tourism attractions
  • Man-made tourism attractions


  • Airport
  • Station

Rating Benefits

  1. Provide reliable information to consumers about the availability of facilities and services required by Muslim tourists owned by the institution that is being rated.
  2. Give and attract consumer confidence to the institution receiving the rating because the rating is carried out by an independent and credible entity.
  3. The results of the rating can be posted at outlets and in all marketing media owned by them.
  4. The results will also be published on the website.


  • Following training and passing training
  • Fill out a rating form with evidence in the form of photos and/or videos.
  • Following the verification and validation process online

Rating Process